Delete Borrower Financials in 5.2

Learn how to create a report in Amlib which allows users to delete paid Borrower Financial Transactions.

This report allows users to delete paid Borrower Financial Transactions. Care should be taken when deleting Financial records as once the entry has been deleted it cannot be retrieved.

Supervisor Settings

These reports will perform differently depending on the Supervisor parameter:

These instructions are for single-entry accounting (=N).

The number of transactions that are automatically retained is determined by the following setting:

For example: If Keep the last ### history records = 10, and the Borrower has 15 paid Financial Transactions listed, then only the oldest 5 transactions will be listed in the report.


The following report templates can be used in the Reports module to delete Borrower Financials if Update Entity is set to Y, and the report is run via the report Scheduler. The F7 Where statement is used to determine which records will be deleted.

These reports can be either printed or sent to file for record purposes.

Load the Template (if required)

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepAddNew – the Report Files screen will display
  3. Select Report Entity = RepBorrower
  4. Click the F1 New button – the Borrower – New Report File screen will display:
  5. Enter the following details:
    1. Description – for example: Borrower Financial Transactions (Purge)
    3. Choose Type = Borrower (purge) Financial
    4. Update Entity (Y/N) = Y
  6. Click the F3 Update button when complete

The template is loaded and can now be used in a report.

Create a Financial Deletion Report (for Checking)

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower – the Borrower Reports screen will display
  3. Click the F1 New button – the Select Report Format screen will display
  4. Highlight the Borrower Financial report template you would like to use (see list above). You should locate these templates via Template name rather than Description, as these are multi-function templates and the Description may refer to the alternate functionality.
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Type in a Description – for example: Delete Financials more than 6 Years Old
  7. Ensure the Update Entity (Y/N) column is set to N
  8. Click the F3 Save button
  9. Highlight the report and click the F7 Where button – the Borrower Reports – Where screen will display:
  10. Enter the following Where search:
    1. Enter a start date: Transaction Date <= enter a date in DD/MM/YYYY format – for example: Transaction Date <= 01/01/2011

      Alternatively, you can use the Special button to set up a date relative to the Current Date – for example: Transaction Date <= Current Date – 72 Months (6 Years)
    2. It is possible to enter other parameters to further limit your selection by Financial Types or Borrower Types – for example: Financial Type = LATEFINE
    3. Click the F3 Save button when complete
  11. Click the F9 Order button – the Borrower Reports – Order By screen will display
    1. Select BorBarNo or Surname from the Columns list and arrow it across into the Order By list
    2. Click the F3 Save button when complete
  12. Click the F6 Print button – the Print screen will display
  13. Change the To setting to File (this will enable the report to be saved as file, rather than printed)
  14. Click the OK button – the Report – Save As screen will display
  15. Enter the File name (for example: Borrower Financial Deletions 2011) and browse to the destination location
  16. Click the Save button

Schedule Report

Start the Scheduler

  1. From the Reports menu, select Application > RepStartSchedule
  2. The Report Scheduler screen will then display
  3. Select your printing options: Ensure Save to File is ticked (you can tick all three if you intend on printing up multiple reports using multiple formats during a session)
  4. Also decide If a report is scheduled by another user do you still want to print it? = Yes/No
  5. Then click the OK button
  6. After clicking OK, if you go back into the Application menu you will see that RepStartSchedule is now greyed out with a tick next to it – this indicates that the Scheduler is now running

Please Note: If you need to restart the scheduler at any point, you will need to log out of all Report screens (Ctrl + L) and start at the beginning of these instructions.

Check Print Progress

  1. You can check the progress of your reports at any time by going into Main > Reports RepPrintProgress – the Print Progress screen will display
  2. If your library uses the scheduler for a lot of reports, you can select a frequency type from the Filter drop-down menu at the top:
  3. You can also click through the three tab options at the top to see the ones that are Waiting, Running, or have already been Printed
  4. Your report will show up in “Printed” when it is complete

Example of Listing: (&BORFINP.QRP)

Creating a Summary Financial Report and Clearing the Financials

  1. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower – the Borrower Reports screen will display
  2. Highlight the Report that was run earlier to get the listing
  3. Click the F2 Modify button – the Select Report Format screen will display
  4. Highlight the Borrower Summary Financial report template– &BFINSU.QRP (Borrower Financial Transactions Summary)
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Ensure the Update Entity (Y/N) column is set to Y
  7. Click the F3 Save button
  8. Click the F6 Print button – the Print screen will display
  9. Change the To setting to File (this will enable the report to be saved as file, rather than printed)
  10. Click the OK button – the Report – Save As screen will display
  11. Enter the File name (for example: Borrower Financial Deletions 2011) and browse to the destination location
  12. Click the Save button

Schedule Report

Please Note: If you need to restart the scheduler at any point, you will need to log out of all Report screens (Ctrl + L) and start at the beginning of these instructions.

Check Print Progress

  1. You can check the progress of your reports at any time by going into Main > Reports RepPrintProgress – the Print Progress screen will display
  2. Your report will show up in “Printed” when it is complete

Example of Summary: (&BFINSU.QRP)