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OCLC Support

Do I need to add to the Authorized Users section in Service Configuration?

Applies to

  • OCLC Service Configuration


No. The authorized users list is old functionality that allowed users to sign in to Service Configuration with their accounts. Since the redesign in August 2022, a new system is used for accounts and users cannot log in to the Service Configuration using a new account. Instead, users must sign in to Service Configuration with their WorldShare credentials.

Note about branches: A user must be authorized to view and modify branch Registry records. Refer to Relationships for more information about setting up related institutions. After selecting one of the existing relationships, select Authorize me for this record to authorize a user to modify branch Registry records. OCLC will contact the user when they are authorized, allowing them to edit the Registry record for branches. Contact OCLC Support for assistance if you do not have access to edit your branch locations in OCLC Service Configuration.

Additional information

If a user still has an old account created before August 2022, they can currently still sign in to Service Configuration with their WorldCat account, but may consider using the option to sign in with their OCLC Services Account (WorldShare credentials) instead.

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