OCLC websites and discussion lists
Find links to the Community Center, the Developer Network, WebJunction, and to other OCLC websites.
OCLC Support
- help-nl.oclc.org - This is the website you are viewing currently. Use this website to find product support materials including documentation and training.
- System Status Dashboard - Find up-to-the-minute information on service availability. Subscribe to status alerts and updates.
Related OCLC websites
- OCLC.org - Visit OCLC.org to find general information about OCLC, WorldCat, careers at OCLC, and product marketing.
- OCLC Research - Visit the OCLC Research site.
- OCLC Developer Network - Visit the OCLC Developer Network site. Find information about using API with WorldShare products.
- WebJunction - Visit the WebJunction website. WebJunction builds the knowledge, skills and confidence of library staff to power strong libraries that are the heart of vibrant communities. A program of OCLC Research, WebJunction is free and welcome to all libraries to use, regardless of size, type or location.
Community Center
- OCLC Community Center - Visit the OCLC Community Center to join discussions with peers. Sign in with your OCLC Services account and your institution's OCLC symbol.
Internet lists, listserv and RSS subscriptions
- Internet List Subscription Request - Subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) OCLC distribution and discussion lists by entering your information in the Internet List Subscription Request form.
- RSS feeds - Find RSS feeds that OCLC offers.