Carrier terms and codes (field 338 ‡a ‡b)
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Find RDA carrier type terms and codes that may appear in field 338 subfields $a and $b.
For more information, see the MARC code List for Carrier Types.
- Audio carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes audio cartridge sg g - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec audio cylinder se e - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec, wxc audio disc sd d - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec sound track reel si i - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec audio roll sq q - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec, rll audiocassette ssq s - 007/01 (Sound recording) cas, rec audiotape reel st t - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec, rtr other audio carrier sz z - 007/01 (Sound recording) rec
- Computer carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes computer card ck k - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer chip cartridge cb b - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer disc cd d - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer disc cartridge ce e - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer tape cartridge ca a - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer tape cassette cf f - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com computer tape reel ch h - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com online resource cr r - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com, elc other computer carrier cz z - 007/01 (Electronic resource) com
- Microform carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes aperture card ha a - 007/01 (Microform) mfc microfiche he e - 007/01 (Microform) mfc microfiche cassette hf f - 007/01 (Microform) mfc microfilm cartridge hb b - 007/01 (Microform) mfl microfilm cassette hc c - 007/01 (Microform) mfl microfilm reel hd d - 007/01 (Microform) mfl microfilm roll hj j - 007/01 (Microform) mfl microfilm slip hh h - 007/01 (Microform) mfl microopaque hg g - 007/01 (Microform) mcd other microform carrier hz z - 007/01 (Microform) mic
- Microscopic carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes microscope slide pp p - 008/33 (Visual materials) msl other microscopic carrier pz --- msl
- Projected image carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes film cartridge mc c - 007/01 (Motion picture) mot film cassette mf f - 007/01 (Motion picture) mot film reel mr r - 007/01 (Motion picture) mot film roll mo o - 007/01 (Motion picture) mot filmslip gd d - 007/01 (Projected graphic) flm filmstrip gf f - 007/01 (Projected graphic) flm filmstrip cartridge gc c - 007/01 (Projected graphic) flm overhead transparency gt t - 007/01 (Projected graphic) trn slide gs s - 007/01 (Projected graphic) sld other projected carrier mz z - 007/01 (Motion picture) --- z - 007/01 (Projected graphic) ---
- Stereographic carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes stereograph card eh h - 007/01 (Non-projected graphic) vis stereograph disc es s - 007/01 (Projected graphic) pgr other stereographic carrier ez --- vis
- Unmediated carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes card no --- crd flipchart nn --- cht roll na --- --- sheet nb --- --- volume nc --- --- object nr r - Bibliographic Leader/06 art, rbj other unmediated carrier nz --- ---
- Video carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes video cartridge vc c - 007/01 (Videorecording) vis videocassette vf f - 007/01 (Videorecording) vca videodisc vd d - 007/01 (Videorecording) vdc videotape reel vr r - 007/01 (Videorecording) vis other video carrier vz z - 007/01 (Videorecording) vis
- Unspecified carriers
RDA carrier term: 338 ‡a MARC code for RDA term: 338 ‡b MARC audio carrier codes - 007/01 must also be present OCLC Material Type codes unspecified zu u - 007/01 (Unspecified ---