Other Subject
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Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Other Subject word (ho:), phrase (ho=), and whole phrase (how=) indexes.
Also called Subject Headings, Other.
- Word (ho:)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery Label ho: Search? Ja Ja Ja Browse? Ja Ja --- Examples - ho:stars
- ho:fiction
- ho:gsafd
Fields/Subfields The following 6xx fields (if indicator 2 = 7):
- 600 a-e g j k m-t v x-z 2
- 610 a-e g k m-p r-t v x-z 2
- 611 a c-e g k n p q t v x-z 2
- 630 a d k m-p r-t v x-z 2
- 647 a c d g v x-z
- 648 a v x-z 2
- 650 a b g v x-z 2
- 651 a g v x-z 2
- 655 a b v x-z 2
Qualifier index? Nee Notes - Includes the MARC codes for the classification type indexed.
- Supports non-Latin script searches.
- In Connexion, scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca ho:stars). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
- Contains data from your local bibliographic data records in WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery.
- Phrase (ho=)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery Label ho= Search? Ja Ja Ja Browse? Ja Ja --- Examples - ho=supergiant stars
- ho=historical fiction
Fields/Subfields The following 6xx fields (if indicator 2 = 7):
- 600 a-e g j k m-t v x-z
- 610 a-e g k m-p r-t v x-z
- 611 a c-e g k n p q t v x-z
- 630 a d k m-p r-t v x-z
- 647 a c d g v x-z
- 648 a v x-z
- 650 a b g v x-z
- 651 a g v x-z
- 655 a b v x-z
Qualifier index? Nee Notes - Includes the MARC codes for the classification type indexed.
- Supports non-Latin script searches.
- In Connexion, scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca ho=supergiant stars). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
- Contains data from your local bibliographic data records in WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery.
- Whole phrase (how=)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery Label how= --- --- Search? Ja --- --- Browse? Ja --- --- Examples - how=united states national aeronautics and space administration
- how=launch vehicles and ho:nasat
--- --- Fields/Subfields The following 6xx fields (if indicator 2 = 7):
- 600 a-e g j k m-t v x-z
- 610 a-e g k m-p r-t v x-z
- 611 a c-e g k n p q t v x-z
- 630 a d k m-p r-t v x-z
- 647 a c d g v x-z
- 648 a v x-z
- 650 a b g v x-z
- 651 a g v x-z
- 655 a b v x-z
--- --- Qualifier index? Nee --- --- Notes - Includes the MARC codes for the classification type indexed.
- Supports non-Latin script searches.
- In Connexion, scan index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca how=launch vehicles). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
--- ---