Local Holdings - OCLC Groups
Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Local Holdings - OCLC Groups word (l5:) index.
Limits the search results to records with local holdings held by members of profiled GAC and/or UL groups.
Word (l5:)
Connexion | FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections | WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery | WorldCat.org | |
Label | l5: | --- | ||
Search? | Ja | Ja | Ja | --- |
Browse? | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Examples | ti:libraries and l5:oglu | ti:libraries AND l5:oglu | --- | |
Fields/Subfields | System checks for presence of local holdings of libraries within a specified, profiled group. | --- | ||
Qualifier index? | Nee | --- | ||
Notes |
--- |