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Language of Cataloging

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Language of Cataloging word (ll:) index.

Word (II:)


Label ll:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ll:dut
  • ll:eng
Fields/Subfields 040 b
Qualifier index? Nee
  • Checks for a language in 040 $b. If no 040 b is present, the system assumes that the language of cataloging is English.
  • You can also enter a language in the keyword/numeric search area and then select the Language of Cataloging index. Combine with another search term.
  • Searchable only by code; see a list at under Name Sequence.

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label ll:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ll:dut
  • ll:eng
Fields/Subfields 040 b
Qualifier index? Nee
  • Checks for a language in 040 $b. If no 040 b is present, the system assumes that the language of cataloging is English.
  • You can also enter a language in the keyword/numeric search area and then select the Language of Cataloging index. Combine with another search term.
  • Searchable only by code; see a list at under Name Sequence.

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label ll:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ll:dut
  • ll:eng
Fields/Subfields 040 b
Qualifier index? Nee
  • Checks for a language in 040 $b. If no 040 b is present, the system assumes that the language of cataloging is English.
  • You can also enter a language in the keyword/numeric search area and then select the Language of Cataloging index. Combine with another search term.
  • Searchable only by code; see a list at under Name Sequence.
  • Only available for expert searching.

Label ll:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • greenhouse NOT ll:eng
Fields/Subfields 040 b
Qualifier index? Nee
  • ll: must be paired with the NOT operator.