7xx fields
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Find the fields and subfields indexed, index names, and index labels for the 7xx fields.
- Fields 700-711
Field/Subfield(s) indexed
Index name
Index labels Notes
Word Phrase Whole phrase 700 a-c j Derived Personal Name pd:
--- --- 700 a with 245 a k Derived Name/Title nd:
--- --- 700 a-d j q Name --- au= auw=
Called Author in FirstSearch Personal Name --- pn= pnw=
Keyword --- --- --- 700 a-d j q u Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Personal Name pn: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 700 a-e j q u 4 Provenance pv: --- --- See information in Provenance description for conditions of searching this index. 700 e i j 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 700 f-h k-p r-t Title --- --- tiw=
700 f g k-p r-t Uniform Title --- --- utw=
700 g k m-p r-t Title ti: --- --- Uniform Title ut: ut= --- Keyword kw: --- --- 700 x Standard Number sn: sn= --- 710 a b Derived Corporate/Conference Name cd: (Connexion/FirstSearch) --- --- 710 a b with 245 a k Derived Name/Title nd:
--- --- 710 a-d g n Name --- --- auw=
Called Author in FirstSearch 710 a-d n Corporate/Conference Name --- --- cnw= Name --- au= --- Called Author in FirstSearch 710 a-d n (d n only if left of first subfield t or k) Corporate/Conference Name --- --- cnw=
710 a-e n Corporate/Conference Name cn: cn= --- Name au: au= --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 710 a-e n u 4 Provenance pv: --- --- See information in Provenance description for conditions of searching this index. 710 d f g k-p r-t Uniform Title --- --- utw=
710 d g k m-p r-t Title ti: --- --- Uniform Title ut: ut= --- Keyword kw: --- --- 710 d-h k-p r-t Title --- --- tiw=
(Connexion)710 e i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 710 x Standard Number sn: sn= --- 711 a c d e n q Corporate/Conference Name cn: cn= cnw=
Keyword kw: --- --- Name au: au= auw=
711 a c d e n q u 4 Provenance pv: --- --- See information in Provenance description for conditions of searching this index. 711 a n Derived Corporate/Conference Name cd:
--- --- 711 a n with 245 a k Derived Name/Title nd:
--- --- 711 d f g k l n p s t Uniform Title --- --- utw=
711 d g h k l n p s t Title --- --- tiw=
711 d g k n p s t Uniform Title ut: ut= --- 711 g k n p s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 711 i j 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 711 x Standard Number sn: sn= ---
- Fields 720-775
Field/Subfield(s) indexed
Index name
Index labels Notes
Word Phrase Whole phrase 720 a Name au: au= --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 720 e 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 730 a d f g h k l m-p r-t Title --- --- tiw=
730 a d f g k m-p r-t Title ti: ti= --- Uniform Title ut: ut= --- Keyword kw: --- --- 730 a d f g k-p r-t Uniform Title --- --- utw=
730 a n p Derived Title td:
--- --- 730 a with 245 a k Derived Name/Title nd:
--- --- 730 i Relationship rx: --- --- 730 x Standard Number sn: sn= --- 740 a h l n p Title --- --- tiw=
740 a n p Derived Title td:
--- --- Title ti: ti= --- Keyword kw: --- --- 751 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 752 a-d f-h Publisher Location pl: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 753 a b c Notes nt: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 754 a d Subject su: su= suw=
760 a s t Series --- --- sew=
760 a s t x y Series se: se= --- 760 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 760 x y z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 762 a s t Series --- --- sew=
762 a s t x y Series se: se= --- 762 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 762 x Standard Number sn: sn= --- 765 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 767 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 770 a Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 770 a s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 770 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 770 r u x-z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 772 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 773 a Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 773 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 773 p s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 773 u x-z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 773 w Collection Level oc:
--- --- 774 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 775 i 4 Relationship rx: --- ---
- Fields 776-787
Field/Subfield(s) indexed
Index name
Index labels Notes
Word Phrase Whole phrase 776 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 776 w Other Format --- rp= --- 776 x-z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 777 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 780 a Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 780 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 780 s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 780 t Derived Title td:
--- --- 780 x-z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 785 a Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 785 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 785 s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- --- 785 t Derived Title td:
--- --- 785 x-z Standard Number sn: sn= --- 786 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 787 a Name au: --- --- Called Author in FirstSearch Keyword kw: --- --- 787 i 4 Relationship rx: --- --- 787 s t Title ti: --- --- Keyword kw: --- ---