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WorldCat Discovery videos

Find all available training videos on WorldCat Discovery.

Get started

A brief look at WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 7:45

This is a brief introduction to WorldCat Discovery.

Staff features in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 6:34

This video reviews the staff features that are part of WorldCat Discovery.


Configure default databases and licensed content

Run time: 9:38

This video demonstrates how to configure your default databases and licensed content to use in WorldCat Discovery.

Configure online catalog links for WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 7:00

This video demonstrates how to configure links to your online catalog from WorldCat Discovery.


Advanced searches in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 9:05

This video demonstrates a few advanced search techniques in WorldCat Discovery.

Saved items and lists in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 4:12

This video demonstrates how to save items and lists in WorldCat Discovery.

Filter search results in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 7:48

This video demonstrates how to apply filters to search results in WorldCat Discovery.

Interpret the item details in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 7:10

This video reviews bibliographic and other information found in WorldCat Discovery search results and on item details.

Search techniques in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 6:30

This video demonstrates a few search techniques in the current view of WorldCat Discovery.

Select databases from Advanced Search to search in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 6:30

This video demonstrates how to select databases on the Advanced Search screen to search in WorldCat Discovery.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery

Run time: 8:28

This video provides an overview of how to activate, access, manage and search Course Reserves in WorldCat Discovery.