Why am I getting an "OOPS" error when searching in WorldCat Discovery?
- You get an error that says OOPS when searching in WorldCat Discovery.
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
Clear the WorldCat cookie and restart the browser. If the errors persists, ensure you have WorldCat.org selected as a search database:
- Go to OCLC Service Configuration
- Login using your WorldShare credentials
- Select Metasearch Content
- Select Default Databases and Licensed Content
- Select Configure Databases to Search
- Verify that Worldcat.org is listed and selected in the Enabled Databases for Searching tab
- Verify that WorldCat.org is selected as a default database in the Group Configured Databases tab
If the problem persists, contact OCLC Support with your library symbol and the steps you are taking that bring up the error or the search you are performing.