Print availability doesn't show up on a grouped record.

Applies to

About the display of print availability when related editions and formats are clustered
By default, bib records in WorldCat Discovery will only show the local holdings record information directly associated with the record. This means that the print availability for a book will not display on the eBook record for the same title, unless the library has enabled the option to display availability from the edition cluster.
The edition cluster is a group of bib records that represent the same edition of a work but may have different languages of cataloging or may be duplicate records that have not yet been resolved. When the edition cluster feature is enabled, the representative record in the cluster will display all the availability information from the records in the grouping.

In the case of related editions and formats, such as an eBook and a print book for the same title, the records are not considered to be variant records. This means that the edition cluster feature will not be used to display the print availability on the eBook record, even if the feature is enabled.
However, there are two ways for users to find the print availability for a book when related editions and formats are clustered.


Additional information

Physical item availability on electronic resources

Representative record and availability display on grouped search results

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