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Format display in search results

Find the format/document type values and codes that visually indicate the type of record in the  WorldCat Discovery interface.

Records in the WorldCat Discovery interface include the corresponding material format icons that visually indicate the type of record. These icons will display on the following pages:

  • Search Results: Displays on each tile next to the format
  • Item Details: Displays at the top of item details next to the format text
  • Citation Modal: Displays in the record summary next to the format
  • Share Modal: Displays in the record summary next to the format
  • Local editions and formats: Displays on brief results
  • Shelf browse

 Note: The color of the format icons is controlled by the Search and fulfillment buttons setting in the User Interface Options module of the OCLC Service Configuration. See Branding & Customization for more information.


Format/Facet in
label for display
Icon Index values MARC record criteria Additional information
x0: x4: Leader/06 Leader/07 Document type Other criteria or note Example record
Archival Material Archival Material icon Archv   p     If record not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to m OCN: 847524397
Downloadable Archival Material modernized downloadable archival material.png Archv Digital p   x0:archv AND (mt:cai OR mt:ect)    

008 position 23 is s or o

If record not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to m AND 949 $l is equal to Digital Article

OCN: 826493911
Article Article/Chapter icon ArtChap   a, t a   If record not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to a OCN: 8194065
Article, Chapter modernized article chapter.png ArtChap Artcl a, t a   If record not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to a or o Unique Identifier: 550048866
Chapter modernized chapter.png ArtChap Chptr       Records not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to o example Unique identifier:8057240017
Downloadable Article modernized downlodable article.png ArtChap Digital a, t a mt: acp AND (mt:cai OR mt:ect)

008 position 23 is s or o

If record not in WorldCat, 949 x is equal to a, or o AND 949 $l is equal to Digital Article

Unique identifier: 8052670657
Manuscript Article modernized manuscript article.png ArtChap mt:mss          
Audiobook Audiobook icon Audiobook   i, j   mt:nsr  


Audiobook on Cassette modernized audiobook cassette.png Audiobook Cassette i, j   mt:nsr AND mt:cas     300/a or 305/a contains 
" cassette(s) "  
Audiobook on CD modernized audiobook cd.png Audiobook CD i, j 007/00=s AND 007/01=d AND 007/03=f but NOT DVD mt:nsr AND mt:cda     compact disc(s) or compact disk(s) or CD-ROM(s) is in either of these fields/subfields:
Start of 500 a
538 a
Not case-sensitive; parentheses and brackets are ignored.
Audiobook on LP modernized audiobook lp.png Audiobook LP i, j      mt:nsr, mt:lps   3374571
eAudiobook modernized eaudiobook.png Audiobook Digital i, j   mt:nsr

856 is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0

008 position 23 is s or o

Book Book icon Book   a, t m, c, d     226038067
eBook modernized ebook.png Book Digital
  • a, c, d, i, j, m, p, or t AND 008/23 is s


  • a, e, f, g, k, or r AND 008/29 is s OR o
m, c, d


856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0

008 position 23 is s or o

If 008 position 23 is q, the Book icon will display. 

Braille Book modernized braille book.png Book Braille a, t  m, c, d     918287493    
Continually Updated Resource modernized continually updated resource.png Book Continuing a, t i     25213327
Large Print Resource modernized large print resource.png Book   a, t m, c, d mt:lpt   191090459
Manuscript modernized manuscript.png Book       mt:mss    
Microform modernized microform.png Book Mic a, t  m, c, d mt:mic   964296
Print Book modernized print book.png Book PrintBook          
Thesis, Dissertation modernized thesis.png Book Thsis a, t  m, c, d   502 field present 642200652
Thesis, Dissertation URL modernized thesis URL.png Book            
Computer File Computer file icon CompFile   m   NOT mt:cgm, mt:imm, mt:ser   38591009
CompFile Digital m   NOT mt:cgm, mt:imm, mt:ser 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 1058299000



Format/Facet in
LABEL for display

Icon Index Values MARC Record Criteria Additional information
x0: x4: Leader/06 Leader/07 Field 008 Document type Other Criteria or Note Example record
Encyclopedia Encyclopedia icon Encyc Encyc         Not in WorldCat OCN: 156980173
Game icon Game   g, k, o, r     mt:phg   OCN: 922582793
Video Game modernized video game.png Game Digital m     mt:cgm 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 935710233



Format/Facet in
LABEL for display
ICon Index Values MARC Record Criteria Additional information
x0: x4: Leader/06 Leader/07 Field 008 Material Types Other Criteria or Note Example record
Image Image 2d icon Image 2d g, k, o, r     mt:ngr No 856/u is present OCN: 156980173
Downloadable Image modernized downloadable image.png Image dwn2d         Not in WorldCat  
Interactive Multimedia Interactive media icon IntMM   m     mt:imm   OCN: 51820738
Internet Resource modernized internet resource.png Web           Not in WorldCat  
Website modernized website.png Web Digital a, t i 008/23=s   856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 798711269
Journal/Magazine Journal icon Jrnl   a, t s, b   NOT mt:new   OCN: 29046351
Jrnl   m     mt:ser, NOT mt: new    
Print Journal/Print Magazine modernized journal icon.png Jrnl   a, t s, b   NOT mt:new    
Jrnl   m     mt:ser, NOT mt: new    
eJournal Magazine modernized eJournal.png Jrnl Digital a, t     NOT mt:new     856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 60628757
Jrnl Digital m     mt:ser, NOT mt:new 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0  
Kit Kit icon Kit   g, k, o, r     mt:kit   OCN: 181350083



Format/Facet in
LABEL for display
Icon Index Values MARC Record Criteria Additional information
x0: x4: Leader/06 Leader/07 Field 008 Material Types Other Criteria or Note Example record
Map Map icon Map   e, f        

OCN: 1697184

eMap modernized emap.png Map Digital e, f   008/29=s NOT mt:cdc     856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 769343148
Manuscript Map modernized manuscript map.png Map mt:mss            
Music Recording Music icon Music   i, j     mt:msr   OCN: 897126661
eMusic modernized emusic.png Music Digital i, j   008/23=s mt:msr 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0

OCN: 809792916

Music Cassette modernized music cassette.png Music Cassette i, j     mt:msr, mt:cas   OCN: 21464943
Music CD modernized music cd.png Music CD i, j     mt:msr, mt:cda   OCN: 694633146
Music LP modernized music lp.png Music LP i, j         OCN: 4043714
Musical Score Musical score icon MsScr   c, d         OCN: 398063
Downloadable Musical Score modernized downloadable musical score.png MsScr Digital c, d   008/23=s   856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 42856067
Manuscript Musical Score modernized manuscript musical score.png MsScr         mt:mss    


Newspaper icon

New   a, t s, b   mt:new   OCN: 8799626
News   m     mt:ser, mt:new        
eNewspaper modernized_enewspaper_icon.png News Digital a, t s, b 008/23=s mt:new 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 34155524



Format/Facet in
LABEL for display
Icon Index Values MARC Record Criteria Additional information
x0: x4: Leader/06 Leader/07 Field 008 Material Types Other Criteria or Note Example record
Object Object icon Object   g, k, o, r     mt:art, NOT mt:phg, mt:toy   OCN: 318546654
Object Digital       mt:art, NOT mt:phg, mt:toy 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 49661455
Sound Recording (Other) modernized sound recording icon.png Snd           Not in WorldCat  
Sound Recording (Cassette) modernized sound recording cassette.png Snd              
Sound Recording (CD) modernized sound recording cd.png Snd              
Sound Recording (LP) modernized sound recording lp.png Snd              
Toy Toy icon Toy   g, k, o, r     mt:toy   OCN: 42884842
Unknown Default modernized unknown default.png                
Video Video icon Video   g, k, o, r     mt:vid   OCN: 48476065
Blueray Video modernized blueray video.png Video Bluray g, k, o, r     mt:blu   OCN: 945097016
DVD Video modernized dvd video.png Video DVD g, k, o, r     mt:dvd   OCN: 972884896
eVideo modernized evideo.png Video Digital g, k, o, r   008/29=s mt:vid 856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0 OCN: 439567066
Film modernized_film.png Video Film g, k, o, r   mt:mot     OCN: 11099447
VHS Video modernized vhs video.png Video VHS g, k, o, r   mt:vhs     OCN: 24642980
Visual material Visual materials icon Vis   g, k, o, r     NOT mt:vid, mt:ngr, mt:phg, mt:toy   OCN: 327431767
Downloadable Visual Material modernized downloadable visual material.png Vis Digital g, k, o, r   008/29 =s   856/u is present and indicator 2 = blank or 0