Configure the display of full-text links

Configure the display of full-text links

After you check the option in OCLC Service Configuration to enable full-text links, links will appear in your WorldCat Discovery interface to full-text content. For more information on how links display, please see Full-text link display in WorldCat Discovery. To choose when to display or hide these links based on their source, see Full Text and Open Access Links.

In WorldShare Collection Manager 

If you are using WorldShare Collection Manager, you can add knowledge base collections and titles to surface links to your e-resource materials. See Choose a method to add or create a knowledge base collection to represent your e-resource titles in the WorldShare Collection Manager interface.

Make sure to enter your coverage information. See KBART values and formatting for information on how to represent coverage information.

Configure institution settings 

If you haven't already, configure institution settings and set holdings in WorldCat via the WorldShare Collection Manager interface. See Configure institution settings for knowledge base collections.

You can change the default order of links from WorldShare Collection Manager as they display in the WorldCat Discovery interface. Please see Display Order for more information.  

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa libraries: Make sure you have an appropriate deflection policy in place. See How to deflect lending requests (knowledge base collections) or, if you have a subscription to License Manager, see How to deflect lending requests (License Manager). Most libraries experience an immediate increase in lending requests after setting holdings in WorldCat.

Additional information: Display full-text links and elevate links from a specific provider