View bibliographic data in WorldCat Find
Find all of the bibliographic data provided on the Item Details screen in WorldCat Find.
The Item Details screen provides bibliographic data for the item you selected in two sections:
- Summary section - The summary bibliographic data section displays on the Item Details screen. To view an entire item summary, tap Show more information and then tap Show more under Summary on the More Information screen.
- More Information screen - Tap Show more information to view the More Information screen.
The information displayed depends on the individual item and its source. Some information in the bibliographic data area may be linked.
Note: Fields only display if they are applicable to the item.
Summary section
More Information screen
Tap Show more information in the Summary section to access the More Information screen. From the More Information screen, you can:
- Click Show more to view additional information for a given field.
- Click a Subjects link to perform a search for all items in WorldCat with that specific subject (e.g., clicking Autobiographies will return all autobiography-related items in
- Long press (i.e., press and hold your device's screen) a field's information to copy and paste it.
It contains the following fields in addition to the fields found in the Summary section, with the exception of the cover image
Field | Description |
Title | The title of the item. |
Authors/Contributors | The name or part of the name of the person(s) or group credited with creating the item. Clicking an author's name will conduct a search for all items by that author. |
Dissertation | A note that gives the designation of an academic dissertation or thesis and the institution to which it was presented. Use field 502 also to include the degree for which the author was a candidate, name of the granting institution or faculty, the year it was granted, and the dissertation identifier. Dissertation information may be encoded as a note in subfield ǂa or parsed into specific subfields. |
Format | Words or abbreviations that describe the format or production medium used to identify the library resource. For example, a review (rev) is an article type. Includes (where available): format, content, audience, language. May include links to other editions. |
Language | The language of the item. |
Year | The year the item was published. |
Edition | Words or abbreviations that describe the format or production medium used to identify the library resource. For example, a review (rev) is an article type. Includes (where available): format, content, audience, language. May include links to other editions. |
Publication (Articles only) |
Name of the periodical which published the article, and the date and number of the issue in which the article appeared. |
Publisher | The persons or companies responsible for placing a library resource on the market. Includes city of publication, publisher name, and publication date. |
Summary or Abstract | A summary of the item's contents. |
Dissertation | A note that gives the designation of an academic dissertation or thesis and the institution to which it was presented. Use field 502 also to include the degree for which the author was a candidate, name of the granting institution or faculty, the year it was granted, and the dissertation identifier. Dissertation information may be encoded as a note in subfield ǂa or parsed into specific subfields. |
Series | The title of the series to which the item belongs. Click the series title to view other item's in the series. |
Genre | Terms that describe the contents of an item, such as art, drama, music, poetry, sculpture, one-act play, symphony, or haiku. |
Target Audience | The target audience for the item (e.g., The target audience for this item is 7-12 years.). |
Physical Description | Physical description of the item, such as the number of pages and physical size of the item. |
ISBN | The ISBN is an internationally recognized standard number used to identify a particular item. A 10- or 13-digit ISBN is assigned to a book, and multiple ISBNs may be assigned to the same item. |
ISSN | The ISSN is an internationally recognized standard number used to identify a particular item. An 8-digit ISSN is assigned to a print or electronic serial publication (often referred to as periodicals) such as a magazine or scholarly journal. |
DOI | The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) used to permanently identify the item and link to it on the web. |
OCLC Number/Unique Identifier | The OCLC Control Number is a unique number included in a WorldCat record when it is created. |
Subjects | Library of Congress subject headings assigned to the item. |
Additional Physical Description | Information about the other available physical forms of the target item in a horizontal relationship. Click a form to view all items associated with it. |
Contents | A formatted contents note. Contents notes may be encoded at one of two levels: basic or enhanced. The use of enhanced (or subfielded) 505 notes is strongly encouraged to provide the level of detail allowed by RDA instructions. Contents notes contain the titles of separate works or parts of an item. They may also include statements of responsibility associated with the works or parts. Volume numbers and other sequential designations are included in a contents note, but chapter numbers are omitted. |
Notes | A note that provides general information for which a specialized note field (i.e., a specific 5xx field) has not been defined. |
Reproduction Notes | A note that describes a resource that is a reproduction of an original material. Describe the original resource in the main portion of the bibliographic record and data relevant to the reproduction as a note in field 533 when the data differs from the information describing the original. |
Event Notes | A note on the date/time and/or place of broadcast, capture, or creation associated with an event. Use to include the date/time and/or place of broadcast, execution, filming, recording or, in the case of a naturally occurring object, of finding. |
Language Notes | Notes on the language or notation system used to convey the content of the described materials. A description of the alphabet, script, or other symbol system (e.g., Arabic alphabet, ASCII, musical notation system, bar code, logarithmic graphing) may also be included. |
Performers | The performers associated with the item. |
More information | Further information about the item, such as table of contents, published reviews, etc. |