Why are the new WorldCat.org statistics reporting lower numbers than the previous Clicks to Library report?
Applies to
- WorldCat.org
The ‘Click to library catalog report’ that appeared in OCLC Usage Statistics (www.stats.oclc.org) was capturing more than just activity on the old WorldCat.org website.
The old report also included events to your local catalog from WorldCat Local, the now discontinued predecessor of WorldCat Discovery, as well as any direct links embedded or provided by version 1.0 of the WorldCat Search API.
Statistics from the new version of WorldCat.org may be lower as they are actions that occur specifically on the WorldCat.org site.
Additional information
If you would like to request your libraries Clicks to Library report, please contact OCLC Support with the date range you'd like to pull. This report currently can only be provided by OCLC Support.