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OCLC Support

Why does not display a library which owns my work?


A library's ownership of your work may appear differently than expected for multiple reasons: 

  • The library that owns your work is not an OCLC member library.
  • A library has cataloged a different edition of your work.
  • The library has chosen to not catalog or represent their collections in WorldCat.

If you believe your work should be represented in, please contact the library that owns the item and request that they catalog it to accurately reflect the library's ownership.

Please note that OCLC does not control libraries’ representation of their collections in WorldCat, and only displays what is submitted from the member library. A library may choose not to make its collections visible, which is a decision made at the library's discretion.

Also note that the cataloging library must be an OCLC member library that maintains appropriate OCLC subscriptions for its collections to appear on the website.

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