About the WorldCat.org database

The WorldCat.org database provides localized and personalized content from your library's collection and those of more than 10,000 other WorldCat libraries globally.


The WorldCat.org database contains:

Database details

Subjects An ever-growing list of materials available at thousands of OCLC member libraries including:

Websites and internet resources

Computer programs

Films and slides

Journals and magazines

Articles, chapters, papers


Musical scores


Sound recordings

Sources WorldCat.org database which includes WorldCat and most of the central index. For details, refer to the Application-level view tab > Available in WorldCat.org column in the Complete list of databases spreadsheet.
Number of records See WorldCat facts and statistics for the latest information on WorldCat database record counts. WorldCat.org also contains more than 65 million articles from sources including British Library, Elsevier, ERIC, Medline, and CAMIO.
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Update frequency Daily
Producer information OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

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Indexes and examples in WorldCat.org

Search indexes Examples
Keyword tea house
Accession Number 37993343

[OCLC number]
Author tom clancy
ISBN 3196311821 or 31-9631-182-1

9780763625894 or 978-0-763625-89-4
ISSN 0000-0019
Subject coffeehouses
Title murder on the orient express