Databases that offer full text online for selected or all resources are flagged on the List Databases by Topic screen with the full text icon Full text available. In these databases, you can limit the results of a search to full text resources by clicking the Full text checkbox in the Limit to: section. Your list of results will include only those articles that you can immediately access online. Each full text record will specify the available format.
From the Basic Search, Advanced Search, and Expert Search screens, you can limit the results of your search to items held in a particular library. To limit to your library, click the Items in my library checkbox. To limit to a specified library, type the library symbol in the Library Code field.
Visit Find an OCLC Library for a list of library symbols.
Note: When limiting by library holdings in databases other than WorldCat, the limit is based on subscriptions held by the library, so specific issues or articles may not be available.