Why is our Capira app crashing?
- Capira app is experiencing crashes
Applies to
- CapiraMobile
- CapiraMobile with Staff Dashboard
- CapiraReady
Try the following troubleshooting steps first:
- Restart the device
- Verify that your device has the latest version of its operating system software installed
If none of those steps resolves the issue, please contact OCLC Support and include the information listed below. We will need as much information as possible in order to troubleshoot these crashes:
- Device information (Apple or Android, model, operating system version) that is experiencing the crash
- What versionĀ of the app is installed
- Exact replication steps on what is causing the crash:
- Is the app crashing on launch?
- Does a specific button/menu option cause the crash?
- Does a specific action cause the crash?
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