2023 MuseumKey and LendingKey updates

Review MuseumKey and LendingKey features and fixes from 2023.

Full list of new features and fixes in 2023

Type of update Update Details Issue/Update date
New feature

Override global museum closing dates

Key Central > Museums > Dates

Staff can now override global closing dates and set them as open. Installed 10/2023
New feature

Updated museum calendar UI/UX

Key Central > Museums > Dates

Staff interface to mark museum dates as 'closed' or 'not available' has been redesigned to a user-friendly monthly calendar where date settings can be toggled. Installed 10/2023
New feature

Recommend museum global open/closing date

Key Central > Museums > Dates

Staff can recommend museum open/closing dates directly through Key Central, rather than needing to open a support ticket. Installed 10/2023
New feature Update to date of use configuration When Date of Use language is used rather than Pickup Date, museum closing dates will be unavailable on the public calendar for circulation passes, rather than for library closing dates. Installed 10/2023
New feature

Move past reservation back to upcoming

Key Central > Reservations > Past reservations > Move to upcoming

Expired reservations which automatically move from Upcoming Reservations to Past reservations can now be moved back and modified if needed. Installed 10/2023
New feature Enhanced WCAG 2.1 compliance Public interfaces have been given additional accessibility tags in order to increase WCAG 2.1 compliance. Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Item status can be changed even if checked out   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Font size adjusted for printable passes on mobile devices   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Date Availability Issue for Multi-Branch Instances resolved   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Site Calendar Display Issue for February   Installed 10/2023
Security fix TinyMCE upgraded from 5 to 6   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix List Branch Availability Discrepancy   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Printable pass link format incorrect on confirmation screen   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Search box issue for LendingKey resolved   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Modal display on Account page   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Corrected wording on confirmation screen   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Extra hold buffer dates when intersecting with a closing date   Installed 10/2023
Bug fix Corrected wording on authentication screen   Installed 10/2023